Manoy Wilbert Lee Urges DA to Fast-Track Implementation of P3-B Cold Storage Facilities and Strengthen Supply Monitoring
AGRI Party-list Representative and Senatorial aspirant Manoy Wilbert Lee welcomed the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) initiative to allocate P3 billion for the construction of 99
Murang Pagkain: Strengthening Food Security Through Better Logistics
The AGRI Party-list, led by Wilbert Lee, is spearheading efforts to ensure murang pagkain through an innovative proposal to open the EDSA Busway to agricultural
Unrestricting EDSA Busway: A Step Towards Murang Pagkain
AGRI Party-list, led by Representative and Senatorial Aspirant Wilbert Lee, is advocating for opening the EDSA Busway during night hours for agricultural and food delivery